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What is order handling fee for Singapore users?

At G2G, we believe it is of utmost importance to provide our customers with a safe and secure environment to transact. Throughout the years, we had invested substantially in the continuous upgrade, enhancement and improvement of the online system and security features. 

As such, for G2GSG, a nominal order handling fee will be collected by our licensed payment service provider partner (on our behalf) during checkout via its payment gateways, and such fee will be transferred to G2GSG for the maintenance, developmental and administrative costs of our online systems. The handling fee charged to users will be subject to tax regulations applicable to each user's respective region. The fee for order which has been successfully verified is non-refundable.

For other G2G entities in other regions, a nominal order handling fee will be collected by the respective G2G entities during payment checkout for the maintenance, developmental and administrative costs of our online systems. The handling fee charged to users will be subject to tax regulations applicable to each user's respective region. The fee for order which has been successfully verified is non-refundable.

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