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How to upload Gift Card codes?

There are 2 methods to upload codes.

Manual upload

1. This method is suitable if you are selling low volume of codes. You may upload up to 5 codes each time using this method.

2. From your create offer page, go to Upload code and select Manual upload.

3. Enter the serial code, expiry date and upload reference. Upload reference is a record for yourself to identify the codes.

4. If you need to upload more codes, click on Add row. Once you have filled in the information, click Submit.

Bulk upload

1. This method is suitable if you are selling high volume of codes.

2. From your create offer page, go to Upload code and select Bulk upload.

3. Click on the "Download sample CSV"

4. Fill in the gift card codes information based on the format in the CSV file. Once this is done, save the file.

5. Click on the "Browse CSV file" button in the bulk upload page, and select the file you have just saved. Then click Submit to upload.

6. Once the process is completed, check if you have uploaded the codes correctly and make any changes if necessary.

If you have downloaded the sample CSV file to upload the Gift cards in bulk, but the serial number appears to be truncated or not displayed correctly, please change the column type to "plain text" in your document editor.

When you are using Microsoft Excel sheet, long string of numbers may sometimes automatically convert to scientific notation form. In this case, you may add a single quote [ ' ] in from of the number to prevent it from converting. Example:

'12345678909876    '79212312345678    '64321234567654

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