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Bulk upload for Items

Seller who wish to create offers in large quantity may use the bulk upload feature from the create offer page. Download the csv file and fill in the spreadsheet accordingly.

Offer Attributes Tab

1. The Offer Attributes tab is for reference only and it is used to fill in the Offer Attributes column in the Offer tab.

2. If the product is "Unique = yes" it means that seller can only create 1 offer.

3. All offers with unique attributes will be grouped together in G2G product page and listed alongside other sellers. Buyers can then choose whom to buy from.

Offers Tab

1. Do no fill in the Offer ID as these will be generated by the system after uploading the file.

2. Stock means the quantity of the product that is available for sale.

3. You will receive an alert when quantity falls to amount specified in Low Stock Alert Qty column.

4. Certain countries/ regions are only allowed to use specific currencies. Please refer to the create offer page to see all supported currencies and currency code format.

5. Delivery Methods are only limited to what is provided from the drop down option. Use the vertical bar | icon if more than one delivery method is offered.

6. Delivery speed quantity can be filled in using this format as example 1-10|20|30 ; whereas for delivery speed time it is 10|20|30. This means the for quantity of 1-10, it will take 10 minutes to deliver. For quantity of 11-20, it will take 20 minutes to deliver, so on and so forth.

7. The same format also applies to wholesale quantity and wholesale price. For example if wholesale quantity is 5-10|20|30 and wholesale price is 25|20|15, it means that for purchase quantity of 5-10, the unit price will be $25. For purchase quantity of 11-20, the unit price will be $20, so on and so forth.

8. For Offer image, please provide only the direct URL of the image file itself, ending with .png or .jpg as example. If you wish to show more than one image, use the vertical bar | icon to separate each URL. If you submit an incorrect image URL format, offers will still be created, but the system will delete the images automatically. Learn more about the correct format for images.

9.  Sales Country will need to be filled if Sales Country Settings is set to “By Country” or “Exclusion”. Sales Country accepted values are ISO alpha 2 country code, separated by vertical bar | icon.

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