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Seller's rules & regulations

1. Seller is required to fulfill the delivery within the stipulated delivery time by using the delivery method selected by buyer. Sellers are advised to set a delivery time frame that they can commit and deliver, as advertised on their listing. If a seller does not fulfill the order according to the delivery method as stated in the order, the seller is fully liable in the event of a trade dispute and G2G reserves the right to take appropriate action including but not limited to refunding the order to the buyer. Good practices and reliable sellers attracts the most customers. Sellers should log on to their accounts as often as possible as this would reflect their online/offline status on their sales listing. This increases the chance of a potential customer in placing an order from their list.

2. Seller must capture screenshots (before and after the trade) or provide video proof of the trading process. The traded quantity and product in the proof must match the order description. After the delivery is completed, please upload the proof to the order details page. Learn more about proof of delivery under GamerProtect.

3. Seller is not allowed to request for an order cancellation. Seller may be required to provide obligatory compensation to the buyer if an order is canceled or delayed due to seller's negligence. Stock level must be accurate at all times. For an example, if the stock level is set to 1000 gold, you are expected to deliver 1000 gold to the buyer. Make sure you have the item in possession before creating the listing.

4. All communication and correspondence between the seller and the buyer must be done through the G2G Chat Application. Refrain from chatting in-game.

5. Seller is not allowed to provide/accept offsite trade or personal offers in any way (see Offsite Trading below). Any sellers found doing so will have their G2G account permanently banned.

6. Communications with buyers must be courteous. We strictly prohibit the posting of harassing content, including but not limited to threats of violence. If you believe there has been a violation to any of our policies, please report it to us immediately.

7. Seller is not allowed to create more than one G2G account and commit fraud by buying from their own sales listing. Any seller found doing so is subject to penalties or even permanent ban of account.

8. If a trade dispute or chargeback arise due to reasons that is caused by the sellers, such as delivery delay, product that does not work, or did not upload proof of delivery as required, sellers are liable for all cost and damages associated with such disputes.

9. Trading by login to buyer's account is disallowed. (Except for Manual Top-up product)

10. Sellers may be liable for the handling fee if buyer wishes to be refunded to their payment source, provided that the order cancellation is due to issue arising from seller's end, such as delivery delay, account has been sold, or pricing mistake.

11. Refrain from sharing sensitive information, such as activation codes or passwords in chat. When seeking to provide product replacement to buyers, utilize our designated secure system exclusively for uploading necessary details. Note that for any disclosure of sensitive info beyond this system, G2G will not be liable for any issues arising from it.

12. It is prohibited to sell game accounts that are restricted to offline modes due to unusual circumstances, such as an account banned from online play due to cheating and only usable in offline mode.

13. The seller is required to provide accurate, true, and up-to-date product descriptions. Additionally, the seller is not allowed to disclose the respective first-hand suppliers in the product descriptions.

Offsite Trading

G2G takes very seriously on the trade practices conducted at our marketplace. While it is a rare occurrence, it has been reported on occasion where honest users are harmed by fraudulent actions/intentions of hoodwinkers. Trade conducted and completed within the G2G platform ensures that the order has gone through GamerProtect's verification checks and cleared appropriate protocols. Offsite trade will not receive any assurance from G2G either in mediation or indemnification as we are not liable for the actions of individuals taken outside of our trading platform.

We have enacted a policy for sellers currently to demonstrate a solid stance against soliciting offsite trade. Even if the intentions are pure, things can still go wrong, and therefore these proactive steps are being taken to ensure the safety of our honest users. If a seller/buyer is caught embezzling traffic from G2G to complete trade offsite, their accounts will be suspended. If a buyer, or seller tries to lure you to engage in offsite trading activities, please report it to us immediately. You may after all, save yourself and others from being unnecessarily affected by fraudulent activity.

Seller's Offence For Engaging in Offsite Trading / Private Deal

- Your G2G account will be suspended permanently. 

- Your entire account and its contents will be revoked (including any available funds in the account). 

Buyer's Protection

1. Buyer should not accept or agree to any offsite trade and personal offers provided by the sellers. Protect yourself from falling victim to scam.

2. Trade conducted offsite will not receive support from G2G either in mediation or compensation, as we are not responsible for the actions of individuals taken outside of our trading platform.

3. Report to us immediately if you encounter any sellers soliciting for offsite trade.

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