How to request to unlink account
1. Enter the game interface, click the settings icon at the top left.
2. Click into the (help and support) option
3. Click the lower right (Email) option and select (other questions)
4. Then it will pop up iCloud mailbox or your own mailboxes, and it will automatically compose a new support mail.
5. Do not change the recipient and the subject, in the first line of the text insert reason to unlink account.
The information that needs to be provided to unlink account can be requested from the seller.
1. Game account name
2. Does it have a tribe? If yes, please provide the tribe name
3. Experience level (numbers shown in blue stars)
4. The date and time you last logged in to the game are
5. Which year and month did you create your game account?
6. Which city or country did you create the account?
7. What is the device you used to play? Specify device model.
8. Have you bought gem? If yes, please provide screenshots of the receipt for the first and latest 5 times of your purchase; If no please reply "no purchase".
How to reduce the risk of account being recovered
1. Once you get the account, change the password immediately and buy gems once.
2. Request account information from the seller, and then request to unlink account with the device.
Seller is iOS platform
Buyer is Android platform
- Has been linked
The seller requests to unlink, and then links to buyer's Google Play account.
- Not linked
The seller links to buyer's Android device, and then the buyer requests cancellation of the previous Game Center link.
Seller is iOS platform
Buyer is iOS platform
- Has been linked
The seller requests to unlink, and then links to buyer's Game Center account.
- Not linked
The seller requests to unlink Game Center, and then adds the buyer's id as the new Game Center.
Seller is Android platform
Buyer is iOS platform
- Has been linked
The seller requests to unlink, and then links to buyer's Game Center account.
- Not linked
The seller links to buyer's iOS device, and then the buyer requests cancellation of the previous Android link.
Seller is Android platform
Buyer is Android platform
- Has been linked
The seller requests to unlink, and then links to buyer's Google Play account.
- Not linked
The seller requests to unlink Google Play, and then adds the buyer's id as the new Google Play.