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Gift cards FAQ for sellers

1. What is the commission fee for selling Gift cards?

Answer: The commission fee is between 4.99% - 9.99%, but we are currently running a promo of 4.99% commission fee for all seller ranking.

2. After delivering the Gift cards, when can I receive the payment?

Answer: Once the buyer has confirmed receipt, the payment will release to seller in 3 days.

3. What should I do if the buyer encounters issue redeeming the Gift cards?

Answer: Sellers must assist buyer to resolve the issue (invalid codes, unable to redeem) and guide them to redeem the Gift cards. Sellers may also be required to obtain code redemption information from the developer or publisher if necessary.

4. I have downloaded the sample CSV file to upload the Gift cards in bulk, but the serial number appears to be truncated or not displayed correctly.

Answer: Please change the column type to "plain text" in your document editor.

5. What are the consequences for sellers who upload and deliver fake or replacement codes/epins to buyers on your platform? What happens on first and repeated offenses?

Answer: Uploading fake or replacement codes/epins is strictly prohibited on our platform. We enforce this policy through a three-tier consequence system:

  • Any order containing fake/replacement codes will be automatically canceled within 36 hours of delivery.
  • First Offense: The seller's account will be temporarily suspended.
  • Repeated Violations: If a seller continues this practice after their first offense, their account will be permanently suspended with no option for reinstatement.

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