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Guidelines on payment account and withdrawal for sellers

* For Singapore users, please refer to this article

  1. Users from Indonesia, Malaysia, or Singapore are restricted to selecting their local currency and payment gateway for withdrawals.
  2. Sellers can add up to 5 withdrawal accounts, even if they are of the same withdrawal method.
  3. Upon successfully adding a withdrawal account, expect a verification process to be completed within 48 hours.
  4. Indonesian users face limitations on the payment amounts received via the payment gateway, typically capped at 20 million Indonesian Rupiah per month. Exceeding this limit requires users to apply for withdrawals in the following month.
  5. Failure to add a withdrawal account could stem from various reasons:
    • Selection of the wrong currency. Sellers must ensure the correct currency setting.
    • Unauthenticated withdrawal account. Contact the payment gateway provider for authentication.
    • Inconsistent account names. Reach out to support if the withdrawal account name differs from the G2G name.
    • Limited attempts for adding withdrawal accounts. Contact support if excessive attempts lead to restrictions.
  6. If unable to receive phone OTP during withdrawal account setup:
    • Sellers must enable MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) before setting up withdrawal accounts.
    • Ensure all payment information is complete and accurate before requesting OTP.
    • If OTP remains undelivered despite the above actions, contact support.
    • Learn more about MFA
  7. Currency conversion involves exchange rates and fees, potentially resulting in reduced amounts post-conversion. Sellers can preview the converted amount before confirming currency conversion.
  8. "Payment Account Remark" allows setting nicknames for withdrawal accounts, facilitating easy differentiation among multiple withdrawal accounts. Users have the flexibility to set payment account remarks as per their preference.
  9. Sellers can view all previously added withdrawal accounts on the withdrawal page. Clicking on a withdrawal account reveals a delete icon for direct deletion/editing.

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